The Braman Home
This prestigious "english tudor style" home has served as a visible landmark to the downtown Bremerton community. The home was designed and built in 1936 by its owner J.D. Dorm Braman. All the framing and most of the carpentry was done by him personally. Mr. Braman was a skilled woodworker and designed, built and supervised building of all cabinetry, and designed and created much of the interior and exterior trim. Braman's took out $6,000 mortgage to build the home. The round entrance tower is a unique feature, involving complex sub-paneling and woodwork. The large living room front window features a graceful arched top with stained glass insets. Several other windows around the building have stained glass panels.
J. D. Braman was a significant civic leader during the years he lived in Bremerton. In addition to his ownership of Braman Millwork and Manufacturing Company, he served on the Bremerton Port Commission, was Grand M aster of the Masonic Lodge, Scoutmaster of Troop 511, and active in the Bremerton Lions Club. He was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the United States Navy during World War II, achieving the rank of Commander in charge of all lumber procurement for the Army and Navy. after World War II, he was a successful businessman in Seattle. Dorm Braman was elected to the Seattle City Council, where he served for ten years, and was elected Mayor of Seattle in 1964. He served in this position for five years, before being appointed Assistant Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation.
This home serves as a tribute to the Braman's sincere dedication to civics in our community and country.